http://www.microsoft.com/ja-jp/windows/lifecycle/xp_eos.aspx?WT.mc_id=13_cm_wi_eos_ Client Objective/Challenge Microsoft operates a maximum of 10 years support for its products and operating systems, but due to the success of the Windows XP operating system and Office 2003 a further two years of support was implemented as a security net for those still needing to migrate to newer software. The 4th April 2014 marked the end of the extension period and Microsoft was faced with a race to successfully communicate to its users that they needed to initiate a migration plan as soon as possible. I art directed a 3-phase rollout of the communication beginning in April 2013 that targeting small and medium-sized businesses, an estimated 1.6 million companies in Japan, a significant sector for Microsoft’s products. Creative Solution Phase 1, a year in advance of the support expiry date, consisted of a soft awareness campaign due to the concern that Microsoft was leaving their customers “high and dry”, in order to capitalise from the subsequent software upgrade purchases, despite the declared expiration of the 10 year support. From October 2013 phase 2, drove a more specific message on potential security issues facing those who fail to act, based on findings that users’ had vested interests in XP-based business-critical speciality software; as well as a poor or mistaken understanding of unattended security weaknesses. Finally, phase 3 saw a much broader extension of the message into migration case studies as well as promotion of the next generation OS Office 365. Results Beginning in April 2012 results continued to show above estimated numbers of site visits, having met its target of 900,000 visits by June 2012. By the end of Phase 1 a survey revealed that message awareness increased from pre-campaign figures of 43% to 63%, while results in February of 2014 showed that awareness had further increased to 88.1%, promising a successful completion of a 90% awareness goal by April 2014. The site achieved 163% on its KPI of 3,000,000 views with a total of 4,910,000 views.