Microsoft Portal Site: Microsoft Dynamics CRM
The challenge for Microsoft was to highlight awareness of their own Dynamics CRM suite, which is in competition with a very large and widely-used software, Salesforce. Faced with the challenge and already equipped with its popular portal platform, I proposed an ambitious parallax site to explore the story of the average small to medium business owner in Japan. Accessible via Microsoft's "Smart Business Center", the parallax site employs the Japan-only Micro Family character selection. In it the main character, the father of a 'typical' family, Mr. Micro (Japanese: 舞黒: mai-kuro), introduces the issues faced by small-medium size businesses with specific focus on coherent data storage and up-to-date information-sharing. The issues are explored, and revealed in a story-like flow, all within the Microsoft SBC framework. At the end the viewer can review parts of the story, or divulge further the details of the Dynamics CRM software package.