Microsoft Azure suffers from stiff competition from Amazon Web Services as well as numerous other highly capable cloud-based web services. As such Microsoft's Azure software is less than well known for its highly approachable and easy-to-use software. In search for a means of increasing its appeal to the users firstly Microsoft felt that its well-trusted and extensive teams of partners throughout the country could be better informed to the features and thus the benefits of the software as something they could further recommend to their own clients. In a matter of a few short weeks before the busy holiday period in Japan of Golden Week, we needed to firstly ascertain what were the partners biggest obstacles in offering web services, and then from there emphasise that with Azure they can resolve the very same problems. One of the biggest problems was that Azure had already some stigma and poor reputation among those very same partners. Our strategy was therefore to offer them a toolkit that would not simply tell them about Azure but how they can specifically respond to clients' responses and garner trust via Azure. It was a difficult rationale to convey to the client as they were used to seeing things much more explicitly, however I was adamant that in making an emotion response focusing on trust-building, that the partners would be more likely to use the guide rather than simply see it as merely product information. Due to the success of solid data, planning, strategy, and unique creative and art direction, all of which I did, a small print run in the beginning has now recently been reprinted.