Collateral Design for
Logo, Poster, Admission Ticket, Ballot, Programme, Facebook Page & Website Header

The Ireland Fund of Japan's Emerald Ball event is The Premier Irish Event in Japan. Its annual occurrence establishes it in the local calendar as the only way in which to enjoy the St.Patrick's Day weekend. As part of the global St.Patrick's Day Festivities it enables its patrons to become Irish for a day and be entertained in a way that only Irish can. Its proceeds, on this the 20th anniversary of the ball, were all directed to Tohoku, following the tragic events of last year's earthquake and tsunami. In order to represent all of these factors I was tasked with making a new logo and brand collateral. This took the form of posters, admission tickets, ballots, and naturally a Facebook and website presence. The logo itself, shares with its previous version a similar characteristic - its imperfect orientation. The 3 degree skew reveals a message that although its a precious stone its not perfect. For all those out there who aren't in perfect situations, they are still precious and should be regarded as such. This is what the Ireland Fund and its main fund-raising event, the Emerald Ball does.